Thursday, March 29, 2007

Guess who received mail?

I did and I am extremely excited. I did not even have to race my sisters to the mailbox for it. The lady just handed it to me at my desk. Of course I put down my lesson planning and opened both letters right away.
Currently, I am sitting on the roof top enjoying the faint sounds of the city quieting down for the evening and the patio garden that someone has lovingly cared for. The moon is shining but the starts are not visible due to the city lights. Every now and then, a bat will swoop down but is off again as fast as it came. It is perfect temperature up here, approximately 28 degrees celsius with a light breeze. I could sleep out here if I was guaranteed that it wouldn’t rain. The weather here changes within minutes. At one moment it will be cloudy and grey and the next time I lift your head up from behind the paperwork it is raining

...pause .... I just gave a poor chinese women the scare of her life. She did now know that anyone was on the roof top let alone a foreigner madly typing away on her laptop. We spent about 3 minutes trying to converse in our native tongue realizing that we were not getting any where so she left. Moments later she returned with paper and pen and proceeded to write down what she was trying to tell me in Chinese characters. I am afraid my Chinese reading is worse then my speaking. Not that my speaking ability can carry on a decent conversation or any conversation for that matter. I asked, or gestured to her, if I could keep the paper and have my roommates translate it for me. I think she understood because I know have a message in hand an am waiting anxiously for my roommates to return home from school.

... now where was I, oh yes the weather. Last night we had a quite the thunder and lightening storm. I woke up and watched it for several minutes. I asked my students if they also woke up form the storm and they did not even know that it had rained. I think they study and work so hard that by the time their head hits the pillow

The lady went about her evening tai chee exercises while I finished writing.

I have been having problems with e-mails and I am not sending everyone blank e-mails on purpose. I just wrote with invisible ink, you have to use a decoding device. No, no, no, apparently, my computer at my office pretends to send e-mails but it really doesn’t, so I will see if I can try another method.


Di said...

Hmm, maybe I could market that decoding pen for us... make some extra $$$$. I have this mental picture in my head of the situation on the roof - sort of charades where every one gives up...

Di said...

Oh, oh, maybe Lee Valley has one of those handy pens already.... LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi Natasha

just had to write and say enjoying reading your blog EVEN though you don't me you are not very good at writing. You and Nic are having quite the life exeperiences.


Anonymous said...

LOL oops should proof before hitting post. Last msg should have said

EVEN though you told me you aren't very good at writing.

LOL you are going to have to translate my english never mind the lady on the roof.

