Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Richness of Life is found in Adventure ~ William Orville Douglas

Heading off to the former British dependency on the southeastern coast of China, also known as Hong Kong, for the weekend. It is a business trip, to say the least because I must leave China every 60 days according to my travel Visa and then I can reenter the country. Technically Hong Kong is not part of China but is considered a SAR, a Special Administration Region. Will be spending 4 days sightseeing, eating, sleeping, and of course shopping in Hong Kong. What a pity! (You have to say this with a British accent. I adopted this phrase from the students here, many of the phrases they pick up are British phrases and it makes me laugh when I here these unusual statements. Another one they like to say is “Oh, come of it!). Anyways, I should have tons of pictures and an update when I get back, in the mean time, if you have a spare moment, write me a comment.


Di said...

u will have to pick up all the "britt" stuff you can come home and give Rachel a call and test her!
I love reading your adventures!
Happy Shopping

Anonymous said...

Yes Di and I are living vicariously through you and Nicole. We enjoy reading all you post.

Have fun shopping and look forward to the pics and stories
