First of all is a leeche a nut or a fruit because I am highly confused. It looks like a fruit but I remember it being called a nut. If someone could clear this up it would greatly be appreciated. Leeche nuts/fruits are officially in season. Vendors are selling them from their bikes on every street corner and ally way. They cost anywhere from 2-4 RMB for 1 kilogram. Everywhere you turn there are leeches. A box of leeche nuts/fruit even arrived at the office today as a gift from a former teacher. They taste best once they have spent a sufficient amount of time in the fridge.

Here's a recipe for success in eating a leeche:
1. hold the nut/fruit up to your nose and take a big whiff, it should smell sweet and like a leeche fruit, (sorry that is quite vague but I am not going to even attempt to describe the smell as I am sure it would not even come across accurately)

2. place the leeche in the palm of your hand
3. with your dominant hand, it allows for more strength this way, dig your thumb nail into the nut.fruit adjacent to the stem and pluck out the stem.

4. peel the skin off, careful they can be slippery suckers
5. plop the white fleshy portion into your mouth and enjoy.
Note: there is a pit hiding inside so don’t break a tooth or start choking and don’t say I didn’t warn you.

mmmm ... this is making my mouth water... I am heading to the fridge right now to ...
Leeche nuts make the best eyeballs for a blind haunted house. You get the kids to be blindfolded and then you give them food products like cold, cooked spaghetti and tell them they are viens. Leeche nuts make great eyeballs when they are cold, better than grapes.
It is a "fruit".
My husband "the cook" says if you make sweet and sour pork, save some of the glaze and add a few leeche nuts. AND he says good with french vanilla ice cream and also hersey's hot chocolate syrup.
Just some food tips.
The things you learn while blogging!
I so picked up a few of them at the market this weekend and I cannot get past the texture!!! They seem so slimy~~
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