Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Not a heat wave...

...but the regular summer temperature. The last couple of days have been a scorcher here in Foshan. A whopping 34.5 C. I love how they give you the weather report through your cell phone for the next day, for example tomorrow is going to be between 25 and 34 C. That's a 9 degree difference making it hard to decide in the morning whether I should wear a tank-top or not. I always delete the messages as soon as they come in since they are completely in Chinese. I guess I could try and decipher the numbers hidden amongst the characters, but it isn’t usually that easy. Christine usually informs be of the temperature or I can check the special ‘wigets’ button on my computer. On top of the heat the teacher are expected to participate in the student morning exercise lessons (but we have ours in the afternoon). I guess as long as we are all sweating together no one can complain. The classrooms do have fans that are fastened to the ceilings to keep the air circulating in the classrooms. Really it is just a teaser because it only last for a few seconds and by the time you realize how nice it feels it has already moved on to another part of the room. The offices do have air conditioning though and many of the teachers, and some students, are spending their spare moments cooling off. There is also air conditioning in my room, so I am able to sleep at night without waking up in a sweat.


Anonymous said...

Well while you are baking, we have finally hit highs of 20-21. BUT at least we have had some sun the last few days. It has been slow coming this year and but of course now they are predicting rain for the long weekend. Oh well will be a good weekend to scrap.


Stacy said...

That read about the gorge was pretty cool. I'd love to do it but I'm not sure I'd last.