1. Getting ready for the aerobic exercise competition tomorrow. Representatives form the Education Bureau will be judging the students and teachers.
2. Totally feel like I want to make something creative but am completely lacking the supplies.
3. Watched a Josh Groban music video on the English TV channel. I was really surprised when I recognized the song and looked up to see him singing. Can’t wait to go to his concert in August.
4. I turned on the air conditioner in my room again, after our cold spell last week the weather has turned back to its normal 30˚.
5. Spending way too much time surfing the internet and wasting time…
6. …but I have found some cool sites and I totally have been learning new things especially from the National Geographic website (good lesson plans for teachers and some amazing photos).
7. Time to go read for a bit before bed.
8. One last thing… a photo for you to enjoy.

9. ...okay one more picture.

Hi Natasha
Love your pictures. What an album you will have to do when you come back. But think of it this way at least all your journalling is well under way with your blog. You do have a backup of all your journalling on your computer right not just on the online blog. Better safe than sorry.
Keep posting the pics and writing as we are all reading it regularly.
Wish I could send you some supplies - however they would likely get there after you leave!
??? What exactly is picture #2? My first guess, some sort of neclace or jewlery display. Please enlighten!
Yes I do have a backup on my computer of all the blogs that I have been writing.
The first picture is of plaques that have been made out of green tea pressed into molds. The second picture is of souvenirs that you can buy to decorate your keychain or cell phone. They are in the shape of fish and very colourful because the people of Yunnan province like colour.
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