First thing this morning I was handed a letter with a postage stamp from Uganda, Africa. It couldn’t be from anyone else but my brother. I was so shocked and excited, I was not expecting this at all. He wrote me a letter about his travels in Africa and to wish me a Happy Birthday. Wow, did he have good timing. Later, I was in the middle of preparing a lesson when a large box gets plunked down on top of my desk. The teaching staff surprised me with a large birthday cake and a card for my birthday today. They all gathered around and sang Happy Birthday. Everyone know this song much like we know it in French. They all wished me happy birthday at different times throughout the day. Even those who do not speak any English had been practicing for the occasion and were excited to try out the new words they had learned. I taught two classes today and both classes had found out from the teachers that is was my birthday so they also sang Happy Birthday. I was invited for dinner at the dance teachers house. Her and her roommate cooked dinner for me. It was a great day although the weather has been cold and wet for the past two days. It has been pouring rain, much like home, and thunder and lightening during the nights. The weather changes so drastically here. One day it is 29 degrees and the next day it is 11 degrees. You can’t really plan what you are going to wear the next day.

Balloon + Cake + Candles = Birthday Party
Happy Birthday! (I guess it is belated happy birthday with the time difference) Sounds like you had a great day.....
I just got email from my friend in africa telling me they count their age by rainy seasons (not years) Living in Vancouver I hate to imagine how old we would be. On official documents is says born approximatley 1965... Different cultures different ways!
Sounds like you had a great day if if my greeting was late. I'm so happy for you. Nana
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Brithday to You
Happy Birthday Natasha
Happy Birthday to YOU!
And be really happy you didn't have to hear me sing it.
As for weather let me tell you it is the same here. Saturday it was beautiful warm. You know t-shirt wash the car, yard work weather. And yesterday brrrrr... in fact, many areas (Surrey, Langley, Maple Ridge, North Van.) started the day with SNOW! Today Sunny but cool in the shade and tomorrow back to RAIN! and THEN to add to the fun there might be a bus strike next week.
Sooooooooooo......... are you missing us? LOL
Really hope you had a great birthday and enjoy reading your blog.
Happy Birthday!!!!
...It snowed yesterday for a bit. the sun is out today, so peter mowed the lawn. and the daffodils are out...
We hope you had a great Birthday,
We are thinking of you!!
From: Michelle, Auntie Janette, Peter, Kirsten, and Jon
Happy belated birthday, 'Tasha! It sounds like it was very special. Aren't birthdays in other countries fun?! ;-)
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