...keeps the doctor away. Breakfast and lunch are served at the canteen and the food is pretty predictable. Breakfast usually consists of plain noodles with a broth, sweet bun, sesame bun, and sponge cake. Rice is guarantee for lunch along with different vegetable and mixed meat dishes. They like to cook the food all together with a broth base, therefore everything has a watery substance. Sometimes I feel like I am on a liquid diet. One can always count on fruit for desert or to save for a snake later on in the day. The fruit rotates between apples, bananas, oranges, and pears.
Well I can cross off some more interesting foods off my list, not that I have a list because who know what I will be eating next. The latest thing was a black herbal jello dish called Guilingao. It doesn’t have much flavor but it does have an interesting smell. The jello is made for herbs and gwei which is cantonese for tortoise. I was told that it is good for your health. Who knew that tortoises can be used for medicinal purposes. Next time you are feeling ill find that package of tortoise shell gelatine in the back of your pantry, because I know it is a staple in everyones kitchen, and make some jello and add some herbal tea, but don’t blame me if you feel worse. It is suppose to taste better when honey or milk is added.

Let’s just say that it is not on the top of my list as a must try again. Another food that has become my least favorite is the Balsam gourd. This extremely bitter vegetable is hollowed out and stuffed with ground pork before it is boiled. I can also cross of eel and pig stomach too.
OK all I can say is you and Nic are much braver then me cause there is no way I would be eating some of these foods you girls are trying.
I would be more worried about the "Snake" later! And the balsm what ever that was looks like - well I won't say...
I can see the page... all the foods I ate before! (think Willie Nelson to all the girls I loved before!!! )
the snake was awesome! i hope they take you for dinner to the snake restaurant i went to. i tried pig's stomach a few time as well. not as bad as i originally anticipated. bon appetit!
I can't say I've ever tried pig stomach, but I've had cow stomach, blood rice, and octopus tentacles. And that was at HOME, believe it or not (Taiwanese hot-pot). There's nothing strange like that here...only escargot! (which, by the way, is actually REALLY good!)
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