Monday, January 18, 2010

Passing the Challenge on

Left Right Reversal-step away from the normal and start a new normal

There you have it the challenge that was passed on to our Young Adult community is now being passed on to you. What you do with your left now do with your right, what you do with your right now do with your left. Reverse your habits. Awaken your senses. Re-train your brain. Be aware and conscious of your efforts.

Wear your watch on your right wrist, step off the curb with your left foot, brush your teeth with your other hand, sleep on the other side of your bed, you could even go as far as writing with your other hand but that might be pushing it. I will update you later in the week to let you in on my left right reversal efforts. Meanwhile whose up for the challenge? Let me know how it goes.

1 comment:

Di said...

Not as easy as it sounds. Try being left handed in a right handed world, think about it... door knobs, can openers, scissors, the computer mouse.. have fun! I think it is a good idea, is the wrap up activity bowling...that is funny with the "other hand"