A printing contest. Each student had to copy a passage using their best possible printing. There will be 10 first place winners, 20 second place winners, and 30 third place winners out of a total of 650 students, and you get to be the final judge. Fortunately, I did not have to sift through all 650 papers just 120. Do you know how hard it was to make a decisions especially after working in the Scrapbooking store where I have read several articles and books dedicated to handwriting. Well, I completed my official duty and the top ten students will be informed of their prize in the next couple of days, probably a new pen because they ran out of ink practicing for the competition. The students have very unique printing, the picture is a poor example, but many of the students add an extra loop to the top if their ‘i’ and ‘y’s also they like to make their ‘f’s have extra long tails. First thing on the agenda for tomorrow is marking the student’s writing compositions of their ‘dream house’. I don’t know why I thought it would be a good idea to give out a writing assignment so early in the term, but I did. My desk is covered in little English composition books and my goal is to have them all marked by the end of the day.

They do not have binders or duotangs but these little 20 page books booklets with cartoons on the cover for their work. I will keep you posted about my progress. Also, if you look closely at the printing contest sheets of paper you will notice 4 ledger lines to write on. The red line is the base line where most of the letters will be positioned. There are two black lines above and one black line below the red line to help guide the height of the letters. How can your printing possible go wrong with everything so structured. So much for the blue dashed line dividing lines. The students whose paper is in the center of the photo had their paper upside down for his composition, so disregard that one as an example.
Those compostion books are soooo cute! LOL Laughed about the references to journalling...And I think that the paper used would be fun to scrapbook with...
...uh-oh...you've got Di on another one of her scrapbooking finds. If it can be glued, it can be scrapbooked. ;-)
What I'm wondering: do you have free reign with your lesson planning or are you given some room for creativity within a structured plan?
As for my lessons plans I have a little bit of both. For the Senior ones I have to follow the text book and the teachers guide but for the Senior twos, which I only have one class off, I have free range.
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