Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It's about time

Okay so it has been way too long since my last blog. I haven't forgotten just busy, preoccupied, distracted, board, or lazy. These are all excuses that fit my lack of blogging at one time or another. Anyways I captures some spaces around my house that I enjoy and thought you might as well. That is if anyone even glances at this site anymore. Maybe I will make a few more guest appearances in the near future. I hope that it is true because blog I really do miss you. It is like a love hate relationship. I love reading other peoples blogs and am always inspired. I like writing my own and uploading pictures. But... often I don't find the time, forget, or can't think of anything worth blogging. It is a sad excuse. On a brighter note I have found a new way to bookmark my favorite things on the vast Internet. Are you ready... it is called Pinterest. If you leave a comment and bug me enough it may encourage me to blog my next entry about this great new site. Well thats all for now. Short and sweet.


Di said...

Wahooooo - I for one and glad to have something to read. I check often and hope that one day there will be something and VOILA! Yipee...

cheryl said...

i read your posts!

Anonymous said...

Missed reading your blog.
